barbaragoossens barbaragoossens

Storyteller for large and small events & all sizes of ear

Counselling / Coaching / Work-Life-Balance

Life is like a book with many chapters

Life is a story and you are its teller. At times we are more actively involved than others. All the same it’s up to us to be in charge of our story and if possible to move it in the direction we want it to take. It is therefore worthwhile to actively participate in it.

In my counselling work, I weave in the metaphor of storytelling for personal well-being and professional benefit. This brings richness to the individual’s experience and can open up a path to wisdom. Stories have a vivid clarity in the way they convey their message. They can be our teacher, our challenger and our friend. Through a shared reflection on the processes which the stories evoked, their wisdom can be integrated into daily life.

Tools and Methods

Possible themes
for youth and adults

Please contact me for more information